Paradox ve dBase'in Limitleri

Paradox'un Limitleri

127 Tables open per system
254 Tables open per system (4.01)
64 Record locks on one table (16Bit) per session
255 Record locks on one table (32Bit) per session
255 Records in transactions on a table (32 Bit)
512 Open physical files (DB, PX, MB, X??, Y??, VAL, TV)
1024 Open physical files (DB, PX, MB, X??, Y??, VAL, TV) (4.01)
300 Users in one PDOXUSRS.NET file
255 Number of fields per table
255 Size of character fields
Bir tabloda en fazla 2 Milyar kayıt olabilir
Bir .DB (Table) dosyası en fazla 2 Milyar byte olabilir
10800 Bytes per record for indexed tables
32750 Bytes per record for non-indexed tables
127 Number of secondary indexes per table
16 Number of fields in an index
255 Concurrent users per table
256 Megabytes of data per BLOb field
Her session'da 100 Şifre(Password) olabilir
Şifre(Password) en fazla 15 karakter olabilir
63 Passwords per table
159 Fields with validity checks (32 Bit)
63 Fields with validity checks (16 Bit)

dBASE'in Limitleri

256 Open dBASE tables per system (16 Bit)
350 Open dBASE tables per system (BDE 3.0 - 4.0, 32 Bit)
512 Open dBASE tables per system (BDE 4.01, 32 Bit) (4.01)
100 Record locks on one dBASE table (16 and 32 Bit)
100 Records in transactions on a dBASE table (32 Bit)
1 Billion records in a table
2 Billion bytes in .DBF (Table) file
4000 Size in bytes per record (dBASE 4)
32767 Size in bytes per record (dBASE for Windows)
255 Number of fields per table (dBASE 4)
1024 Number of fields per table (dBASE for Windows)
47 Number of index tags per .MDX file
254 Size of character fields
10 Open master indexes (.MDX) per table
220 Key expression length in characters

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